
Centre Street Bridge
Year of Construction: 1915
Address: 118 Riverfront AV SE




Sites listed on the Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources may be eligible for Municipal heritage designation (legal protection) under the provincial Historic Resources Act. Benefits of designation are:

  • Prevents a historic resource from being demolished and requires Heritage Planning approval for alterations to pre-defined historic elements

  • Provides building owners access to financial incentives to assistance in their building’s maintenance

  • Allows the owner to retain all rights to the individual enjoyment of their property

  • Does not affect the ability to sell or purchase property

  • Does not affect activities in a building or on the property


Designation Process

The legal process to designate a site as a Municipal Historic Resource is governed by the Alberta Historical Resources Act, R.S.A. 2000 c. H-9 (the Act) and requires Council to pass a designation Bylaw.

In general, the process requires close collaboration and cooperation between the property owner and The City.

Step 1 — Determine if the property merits designation as a Municipal Historic Resource.

If a property is not listed on the Inventory, it must first be evaluated by Heritage Calgary to determine if it meets the Inventory's criteria and eventual designation as a Municipal Historic Resource. (Refer to About the Inventory)

Step 2 — Request for Designation

Heritage Planning only proceeds to designate heritage resources with the consent of the property owner, who must submit a written request to designate the property.

Step 3 — Notice of Intention to Designate

As part of this collaborative designation process, The City issues a “Notice of Intention to Designate” to the property owner and notifies Council.

The historic resource is temporarily designated for 120 days after the “Notice of Intention to Designate” is issued and Council is required to wait 60 days per the Historical Resources Act to pass the designation Bylaw.

Step 4 — Complete Paperwork

The City prepares all required paperwork including the proposed Bylaw and confirms the Bylaw content with the property owner.

Step 5 — Designation of Property

Council passes the Bylaw to designate the property as a Municipal Historic Resource.

Step 6 — Registration of Land Title

The City registers the Bylaw on the Land Title in question as required by the Historic Resources Act.